AllegianceThis ability only triggers if you have a card on top of your deck that is from the same region as the played card. Example: When Vanguard Bannerman is played, if you have another Demacia card on the top of your deck, all of your units get +1/+1. If the card on top of your deck is not from Demacia, nothing happens. |
BarrierThe first time a unit with Barrier takes damage in a turn, they take no damage and lose their barrier. Barriers go away at the end of a turn, whether that unit takes damage or not. Example: You attack with your Yasuo. Your opponent blocks with their own Yasuo. You then play Spirit's Refuge on yours. They strike each other. As your Yasuo is protected by a barrier, it takes no damage and loses the barrier. Your opponent's Yasuo dies. |
BondThis unit links with another allied unit and gives it a special ability. Example: When played, Kalista gives an ally +2/+0. Her leveled up form then brings the bonded unit back from the dead when she attacks. |
ChallengerUnits with Challenger can choose which unit blocks them. Example: When attacking, Fiora can drag units out to fight and trigger her level up ability. Your opponent may not want her to kill their 1/1, but you get to decide blocks. |
Double AttackThis unit strikes twice when attacking; once before and once during combat. Example: While attacking, a leveled up Lucian can fight any unit with four or less health and not die, similar to as if he had Quick Attack. However, he can also trade with units that have five, six, seven, or eight health. If he attacks the nexus, he does eight damage instead of four. |
EnlightenedThis ability triggers when you have ten regular mana crystals (spell mana does not count). Example: When you are Enlightened (have ten crystals) Karma levels up. |
ElusiveElusive units can only be blocked by other elusive units. Example: Greenlade Duo cannot be blocked by Tryndamere. However, it can be blocked by Shadow Assassin. |
EphemeralEphemeral units die after they strike, or at the end of the round. Example: Onslaught of Shadows summons two 3/2's. However, once they do damage or block, they die. They also die when you or your opponent end the turn, regardless if they struck or not. |
FearsomeFearsome units cannot be blocked by units with two or less power. Example: Arachnoid Horror is an excellent early game card because it cannot be blocked by other early game cards like House Spider or Fleetfeather Tracker. |
FrostbiteWhen you Frostbite a unit, its attack becomes zero until the end of the round. Example: Ashe Frostbites the strongest enemy unit every time she attacks, which allows her to attack into powerful units with little worry. Harsh Winds sets two enemy units to zero power at Burst speed. All of the units hit by such abilities go back to their regular health at the start of the next round. |
Last BreathLast Breath abilities trigger when a unit dies. Example: Cursed Keeper, though weak at first, turns into a 4/4 Escaped Abomination when it gets killed (either by being blocked or sacrificed). |
LifestealWhen a unit with lifesteal deals damage, you gain that much life. Example: Every time Soulgorger strikes, you gain three life. |
Nexus StrikeA Nexus Strike ability triggers every time this unit strikes the enemy Nexus. Example: When Silent Shadowseer strikes the enemy Nexus (is not blocked) you create another one in your hand. If it gets blocked by an elusive unit or does not attack, you do not get another one in hand. |
ObliterateRemove a unit from the game. This is the same as killing a unit, but it does not trigger Last Breath abilities. Example: She Who Wanders obliterates cards both in hands and on the board. Cards in hand are discarded, cards on the board get removed. If a unit with Last Breath, such as Cursed Keeper, gets Obliterated by She Who Wanders, it does not create a 4/4. |
OverwhelmWhen attacking, cards with Overwhelm deal damage to blockers like any other card. However, for every damage they deal beyond the blocker's health, they deal that damage to the enemy nexus. In addition, if a unit blocking an Overwhelm unit is removed from combat (such as through Will of Ionia) the Overwhelm unit deals all of their damage to the enemy nexus as if they weren't blocked. Example: A Greenglade Caretaker blocks Tryndamere. Tryndamere deals two damage to the Caretaker. However, because of Overwhelm, Tryndamere deals six damage (of his eight total attack) to the enemy nexus. If the Greenglade Caretaker gets recalled during the block, Tryndamere would deal all eight damage to the enemy nexus. |
Quick AttackWhen attacking, units with Quick Attack deal their damage before blockers. Example: An Arachnoid Sentry blocks an attacking Draven. Draven attacks first, dealing three damage to the Sentry and killing it. The sentry then dies and does not get to attack back. Draven lives. However, if the Sentry had four health or Barrier, Draven would deal damage, then the Sentry would attack back and kill him. |
RecallReturn a unit to its owner's hand. Example: Will of Ionia recalls any unit back to its owner's hand at fast speed. Katarina returns to your hand when she strikes and lives. |
RegenerationUnits with Regeneration fully heal at the end of every turn. Example: While Braum has no attack, he always goes back to five health at the end of each round no matter how much damage he has on him. |
ReviveReturns a unit that died back to the battlefield. Example: Shark Chariot revives whenever you attack with an Ephemeral unit. When played, The Rekindler brings back your highest-power champion that died this game. If none of your champions died, nothing happens. |
SpellsSpells in Legends of Runeterra have three different speeds. The speed of a spell denotes when it can be played.
StunStunned units cannot block or attack. If a unit gets stunned during a fight (attacking or blocking) it gets removed from combat. Example: Yone, Windchaser stuns your opponent's two blockers when he enters play. You can now attack without worrying about anything getting in your way. In addition, if your Yasuo gets blocked by a Solitary Monk and you stun the monk, it goes back to your opponent's bench and does not deal or receive damage. However, your Yasuo is still blocked. Attacking units that get stunned go back to the bench and deal no damage, whether they were blocked or not. |
SupportWhen attacking, units with support grant a bonus to the attacking unit to their right. Example: Shen gives the attacking unit to his right Barrier. Legion Drummer gives her supported unit Quick Attack. |
ToughUnits with tough take one less damage from all sources. Example: If a Vanguard Defender blocks a Battlesmith, it would only take one damage and not die. In addition, if Vile Feast targets a Vanguard Defender, the defender does not take any damage. |
Summon vs. PlaySome units differentiate between summon and play. Summon abilities trigger when a unit enters the battlefield. Play abilities only trigger when that unit enters play from your hand. Example: Windfarer Hatchling gives your units +2/+2 when it enters play, regardless if you play it out of your hand, if it enters play from your deck, or comes back through a revive effect. In contrast, Kindly Tavernkeeper only heals when played from your hand. If summoned from your deck or revived, it would be a 2/3 with no effect. |
By: Plastic Foon Updated July 28th, 2022 3 5K
By: Eu Sou Um Stalker Updated August 26th, 2022 0 4K
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