A Combo-centric deck focusing on the ramp up of units though chimes, draw power through TF support & Nab effects, with the close out of Maduli, The Gatekeeper and Slight of Hand to kick your opponent when they are down.
While tweaked, this may not be a finalized version. Deck Details & Information will be updated soon.
Match-up advice:
VS. Aggro
When going against aggro mulligan, to allow for early blocks as well as turn 1-3 Chime generation.
Ideal opening turns would include on Attack, turn one Pool Shark, while it can largely be a waste at times to draw a fleeting card that is unplayable, I have found that it allows for a chance at chimes for the defense on turn 2, and allows a play into Fortune Croaker for yet additional card draw without killing your turn 1 blocker.
Or, A Byrd, The Bellringer, into a turn 2 Make it rain if against low health aggro such as early game Noxus or Shadow Isle.
On turn 1 defense, I like to mulligan to draw Byrd, The Bellringer for a turn one play and if open attack is possible swing into a turn 2 Black Market Merchant.
If a turn 2 Black Market Merchant is unable to Nab, I would aim for turn 2 Esmus, Breath of the World into a support attack allowing for a +1/+1 on Byrd and chime generation.
Against aggro don't be afraid to throw away your smaller units or take early game damage as the steady pace of card draw though Nabs, Blue Card, Pool Shark, Sleight of Hand, and Fortune Croaker means you will draw at a rapid pace allowing for blockers to find their way into your hand from both yours and your opponent decks.
Plunder effects are made readily available through the use of Red Card, Make it Rain, and chime buffed Esmus, Breath of the World.
Turn 3 Slotbot allows for growth immediately from draw and additional chimes mid-late game, however I would almost never use Slight of Hand early until you gamble a better chance at pulling a late game combat trick or removal they may be relying on.
By turn 6, many aggro decks will start to lose steam, Allowing you to establish dominance through leveling up Bard, Leveling up TF with a couple turbo draw turns, or slamming down a Maduli, The Gatekeeper and watching your board become quickly full of 10/10 units before your opponent has enough mana to kill everything.
VS. Control and/or Combo Decks
Write-up Coming Soon
VS. Mid/Late game Decks
Write-up Coming Soon
While it is a completely offmeta Bard Deck, it has been the most fun I have had with a deck since EZ Karma was a thing. The cherry on top comes as a way to breath new life into a once beloved follower, Slotbot. If not dealt with early game, he provides constant defense into a reliable attacker late game due to his every growing pool of health. Plus, its just fun.
Feel free to comment with any variations, suggestions, or questions if you'd like!
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