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Esmus, Breath of the World : Legends of Runeterra Card

Esmus, Breath of the World is a Follower card in Legends of Runeterra from the Targon region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.

Esmus, Breath of the World Card Card Artist: Caravan Studio
Set 6
100 Shards
Health: 2 Mana: 2
Elusive Can only be blocked by an Elusive unit.
Support Attacking with a support unit will buff the unit to its right.

Card Text

When I'm summoned, plant a Chime on the top card of your deck. Support: Grant my supported ally +1|+1.

Flavor Text

"...but I heard Esmus was created by the Caretaker himself, and with her birth, sound came to the world!" "I say lies! It is known that Esmus bears the face of an old singer who had the heart of an angel but the voice of the dead... until Bard himself granted her a voice of pure beauty!" "I say lies! Esmus is..." - An instance of the Birth of Esmus, a popular bard's game

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