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Trundle : Legends of Runeterra Card

Trundle is a Champion card in Legends of Runeterra from the Freljord region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.

Trundle Card Card Artist: SIXMOREVODKA Leveled Trundle Card Leveled Up
Set 3
3,000 Shards
Attack: 4 Health: 6 Mana: 5
Regeneration Heals fully at the end of each round.

Card Text

When I'm summoned, create an Ice Pillar in hand.

Trundle's Icequake Card Spell

Trundle's Icequake

Give ALL units -3|-0 this round. Deal 3 to ALL units. Create a Trundle in your deck.

Flavor Text

One by one, torches lit along the pass, throwing the scene into sharp relief. There were dozens of trolls, maybe hundreds, each one hulking, massive, and deadly. "I'll ask one more time," Trundle snarled, hefting Boneshiver over one shoulder. "Are you gonna give up, or am I gonna have to break your skulls?"

Decks with Trundle Card Discussion

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