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Runeterra Deck: Zed Trick Pony

By Bryan Blaze | Updated December 5th, 2024
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Bryan Blaze December 5th, 2024
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.48 Shard Cost: 35,200
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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I haven't seen any decks based on Zed alone and his evasive ninja tactics, and I believe he is one of the harder champs to level up being a small target for kill/dmg spells.. So I thought I would post mine here to see if you find it as fun as I have. This Zed has an answer for just about anything you go up against, and has many tricks to make your opponent question their actions after you surprise them that it is harder to kill Zed than you think.

Let's start with its kill cards, you have silence for those undying or back row units they want to keep, also Death Mark is really fun especially when you summon zed on the 3rd/4th round on their turn when they have no more mana, and when it is your turn you Black Flame your Zed! He comes out with his shadow every attack, and if they don't block him you can use the Death Mark to remove his Ethereal to have him permanently for more evasive moves! The real fun one is the Syncopation card to swap your allies around to save you units from their blocks and kills their lineup, also giving Garen a strike/regen, or getting Zed to level up.

This deck starts out fast if you can get the synergy going, but you have Garen, Yone, and Radiant Gaurd to back you up for a late game. Yone/Concussive Palm is mainly for stopping their attack turn if they dont swing all out before they play a card, but he can also be used for heavy damage when you attack! Radiant Guard will heal you along with the Darkin Fan - Dragonlings, and Praa can be a game ender. Garen can clear the board and level up (and give you RALLY on their turn always!) at the same time with his Judgement, and I put an extra one in there in case you don't have another Garen in hand or you get early game swarmed by spiders or lurkers(make sure to watch what champs they got when you mulligan cards). Singular Will is meant for when they have a full board and they make a big mana drop and you're about to get demolished and you have to reset everything, Though I haven't used it often, it does come in handy, but I may swap it for another Black Flame or Field Musicians.

Most of the units can be recalled for extra uses such as Concussive Palm - Stun, Yone, Fae Guide, so using Zed's Shadowshift, Unworthy Soul (can be used on their units/landmarks as well), Shadows of the Past (is if they happen to try to board wipe you or you need a reset) can give you multiple uses on these cards which makes your opponent try to find an answer for after you grant evasive to your Garen or Radiant Guard from the Fae Guide which often ends in an easy win.

Your card draw will come from Field Musicians (which I may add a 2nd) from when you have Airis equipped with Darkin Fans getting you husks and Dragonlings and all of Zeds Shadows, it give you more cards and mana, for starting draw you can use Vastayan Disciple combo recalling with Fae Bladetwirler who happens to get pretty big with all your stuns and recalls. Now remember to get the full effect of the Musicians you may be spawning more units when you attack, so only attack with big boys, and evasives. Sometimes Concussive/Tail Dragon unit is sitting on the bench with Field Musicians waiting to be returned to your hand. I sometimes want to draw another card with Vastayan, but then my Dragonling doesn't get to heal me while I attack.

I put in Soul Sword to beef up Zed, or someone else if you need, You will find that you will hit your flow cards often. The catch card is something I threw in for insta equipt to throw off your opponent but may take it out, but it does cost 1 and has a multi use in case you need to save a one shot which is also why Momentous Choice is in there to save your progression.

Anyways, Don't be afraid to take damage and not block in the beginning unless you know they are heavily trying to take you out fast, like the Jhin/MF decks. Push hard and fast against the Deep/Full Mana/Undying Decks. I thought it was funny to face some of the top voted Zed decks on here, and to have them scratching their heads as to what Zed is actually capable of. There are also many cards I have not had the pleasure to try yet, so there may be some updates.

Hope you enjoy!

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