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Runeterra Deck: Ultimate beginner spider deck

By Guest | Updated September 6th, 2021
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Guest September 6th, 2021
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.08 Shard Cost: 24,200
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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Deck Details & Information
This is a deck that's great for people starting out and they end up with a bunch of spider cards, It is to this day effective and will give you alot of wins so you can grind out to other decks in the future. I could even say this would get you up to silver 1 if you are dedicated enough in ranked games. I shall now provide details on what you do with this deck.

Spiders are the first and one of the best type of swarm decks out there. It's very easy and simple to play, Just make sure you always start out with a cost 1 spider or a 2 cost, if you get elise or Darius in your hand I wouldn't fully recommend getting rid of either but always keep it in mind to have one of them as your starting hand, Black spear is the best way to get rid of problematic cards, especially when all you do is just throw spiders to deal damage and force the enemy to defend and kill a spider.

Elise will most of the time always get ousted immediately the moment you summon her, try to at least have 3+ spiders on the field before the end of a turn so you can take advantage of her buff on spiders, especially when it's your turn to attack.

Using Darius is only best when the enemy is almost below 10 nexus health, summon him earlier and he will be killed off immediately with spells, make the enemy waste the spells on spiders. To give them a false sense of security on making them believe you have nothing but a hand of spiders to summon. If you summon him at nearly 10 nexus health you will become a force that will almost gurantee your win if your enemy got nothing to play against the Darius.

Phantom Pranksters are a must summon when you are getting spiders on the board, especially when you are dealing with a deck that can also swarm if not summon alot of minions to fight you, so even when you are defending you are always dealing damage.

Keep close mind of your mana, don't go too hard summoning spiders, only summon when it is ABSOLUTELY necessary to get them on the board, Otherwise you won't be able to use black spear effectively or use fresh offerings to summon your emergency ace. It is also best not to overly summon spiders or else you won't be able to use Brood Awakening effectively either. only use brood awakening once to summon and buff spiders, it is a plus if you manage to get the high cost tough spiders in the mix cause they will also get a buff.

Upsides of the deck are simple, you beat the enemy with swarm tactics, and you end it by using darius or have your spiders all buffed to the point that the enemy can't defend or play their deck fully in time. It's not the best deck but it definitely can get the job done if you don't got much already at the start for a deck.

The downsides to the deck are pretty self explanatory, since it's a swarm deck it's not the best on health and high damage, especially when the enemy can outplay your spider deck by just simply killing your spiders effectively, especially when they shut down your combo like using the prankster apropriately. It can easily be countered by a deck that can use buffs or have high health, the longer the game goes the harder it will be for you to win. Be very aggressive or else you will get thrown out.

That's all I got for this deck, I hope you enjoy my stupid meme deck. Le spider, he bite.

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