Sion/Draven Discard Aggro.
Intention is to get big heavy-hitting early turns using Reborn Grenadier alongside Zaunite Urchin or Jury Rig. After that the intention is to keep card advantage with "Discard and Draw" cards to exploit discard effects & build into a Sion finisher. Alternatively: Vision & Ancient Warmonger give you the ability to build a big Draven finish (after he levels), or you can discard Sion to give a buffed card Overwhelm in a pinch. Noble Rebel also serves this role as it can build into an easy 6 or 7 Power overwhelm combined with either Vision or the Warmonger.
Lost Soul and Flame Chompers are there to allow you to use Challenger to divert blockers.
Ruined Reckoner & Captain Farron were previously in this deck as alternative win conditions. I have since removed them. Ruined Reckoner just often did not pay off as the usual way you want to use him is for an extra attack with Sion on your off-turn (in the event that they don't kill lvl2 Sion), but it is often never needed. Captain Farron was in there as a one drop as a alternative win condition in a pinch, but just proved too slow and did not synergize with the rest of the deck. I removed these for an extra copy of Lost Soul and a one drop of Survival Skills.
Get Excited and Roar of the Slayer are this deck's removal suite. Feel free to add Culling Strike instead of Roar of the Slayer, or in addition to if you want more interaction with your opponent. I am also considering removing Roar of the Slayer entirely as it is proving to be awkward to use without other removal to weed out weak followers.
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