This is the first deck I'm importing from my game, since I enjoy playing with it so much.
I made this deck thinking into leveling up Azir and Hecarim as fast as possible so when you play them, you'll already leveled them up or at least can level them that turn.
You can do something with almost any hand you'll start, but prefer to have at least a card that puts ephemerals on field, they're the main show of the deck after all. A Soul Shepherd would be a dream, but if she is not there, that's not much to worry.
This deck can be aggro or midrange depending on your hand, the deck you're against and what's your plan to win the game. Choose wisely your plays, because this deck can be a little trickier to win as the match becomes a 3-hour-movie and you've spended your resourses throughout the match. Make sure you try to outnumber and overwhelm late game decks before they really start playing.
Between Hauted Relic and Onslaught of Shadows, I prefer the relic just because that's 1 more unit, but if you have both on hand you can choose what to play by the enemy's deck and field, since the two cards can be attackers or blockers and they will still fulfill their function as leveling up materials.
Shark Chariot is a big card on this deck, since it is a free attacker when you attack with an ephemeral later on, so make shure to always play it when you have mana you won't miss that round or in the next one. And don't worry about saving mana all the time early on, if it happens, nice, if not, whatever, because (except by expecific cards) your usefull spells are kinda cheap, and yet impact a lot positively. First, set your combos, then mid game you can think better on how to spend your mana.
Prefer Azir over Hecarim, because you'll get more value from him since early, and from a secure position, considering you'll have other ephemeral units to attack for him, but fielding the two has a lot of impact for obvious reasons. This deck does much when you attack, so when you have Emperor's Dais or Sandcrafter, make sure they're on the field when it's your turn to break the enemy's face.
Fading Memories and Shadow Isles Tellstones are like utility trumps, but rather situational than anything, so you can remove them to add more of existing cards in the deck or add others you think will be more impactfull (like one more Darkwater Scourge, Evershade Stalker, Song of the Isles, Thread the Needle, Unspeakble Horror or Unworthy, e.g., maybe even a Sapling Toss, I dunno). The reason they're there is because I like the idea of a last minute ephemeral unity you might need, reseting an important unity on field or trade an ephemeral follower by an important enemy's unity. Again, useful, but situational.
And, if everything is going wrong, remember you still have Emperor's Divide, Fallen Sands General and The Harrowing to try shaking the dust off, and turn the table.
Hope you enjoy this deck as much as I do.
GLHF to all \o/
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