Just built this deck as an alternative to the Targon/Shurima one I posted not too long ago. This deck I feel sports better play as PnZ have greater access to draw and deck manipulation and Vi scales a lot better than Pantheon, both more safely, and quicker too as long as u play cards. I would love to go full throttle on an abusive Demacian Challenger deck, but I believe that the alternative Vulnerability mechanic granted by the Shuriman units are enough to suffice as the deck control is where my goal is: tutoring your win conditions and doing it so that they are out as soon as they need/can be.
I do believe 1 called shot along with the easily obtainable Chronobreaks from ekko are all u need for extra attacks, and because I very generously run 3 Careful Preparations, I do not bother with extra copies, but if u want it to be more aggressive (even though u need to find the Parallel Convergence still tho) u are more than welcome swapping out cards like: Unworthy/ Rite of Dominance/ Gotcha/ Aftershock for the extra space needed to run them.
As for other alternatives: Renekton can be swapped out for either 1 or 2 copies of Nasus. Nasus is great for this style of deck, however, I believe that Nasus requires a lot more set up than Renekton, he would need his own deck setup, especially with at least a completed Sun Disc if u really want to run him, otherwise you will need to run him with some otherwhelm. Renekton on the other hand, while tier 3 is great and all, his tier 2 sports greatly for him as the boost during his attack, inadvertently heals him and the Overwhelm makes it so he doesn't need much set up as a reliable damage source.
Please, feel free to comment your thoughts as well as experiences on the deck if you do decide to play it, it is quite budget friendly as you get free copies of both Vi and Ekko from Paths of Champions and the deck only sports 2 epics which shouldn't be much to ask for. Other than that, I hope you enjoy.
Many Thanks
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