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Runeterra Deck: Massive Mistwraiths

By Untoppled | Updated August 11th, 2023
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Untoppled August 11th, 2023
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 2.93 Shard Cost: 23,200
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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0 0 0 0 0
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Hello, if you're looking to make use of the newest "TEMPLE TO TRUE ICE" then look no further then my favorite little guy (soon to be big): Mistwraiths.

"But why" you may ask or may not. Well, the effect of the landmark buffing the health to all you summon pairs *extremely* well with the Mistwraiths who are known to be weak (2hp) to pings and boardclear. Now, with the resent path giving us what I thought was a relatively boring/useless landmark instead gave way to the treasure that is this combo.

The soup:

Mistwraiths are one of the only cards in the game to have *so many* copies summoning it (and grant +1 attack without granting health like the Acolytes or poros) without already taking copy cards. 12 in total but I use 9 of them. The card I don't use is the Mistkeepers. I did not like the idea of making a deck around an easily killable, expensive card that summons units that die at the end of turn. This puts you at a disadvantage of having another board space missing and you are already taking spells to trigger the effect - not units.

Instead, we take the ultimate copy machine itself: Formal Invitation and best part is because we removed Mistkeepers it won't prock on it or Kalista. The only bad thing it can arguably prock on is Hapless and there are a couple of ways to work around this. 1 is use him in later round to block the heavier attacks. We already have low cost kills spells 2 is just use as many Mistwraith cards as you can before you use the Invitation. It is very easy to get a lot of Mistwraiths or Wraithcallers in the dead pool quickly with Kalista potentially (although she will act as fodder most games), Haunted Tomb, and Soul Cleave. Although, if it bothers you too much, in place you could remove the Ceaseless Sentry and Hapless for more copies and take instead heavy boardclear cards such as the popular Avalanche or the former glory Blighted Ravine.

I did add lots of cards in to deal with elusive because I have an extreme dislike for Ninjas and having no elusive myself made it a bit of a problem.

Of course, I also added in the famous and feared kill spell Vengeance.

In conclusion: You still might wonder if it's all worth it. It might not be the best deck, but it's fun nonetheless to see people's reactions to your 15/15 - 20/20 Massive Mistwraiths. And burst summoning one of them feels hands down one of the best feelings in the game. Coming from someone who just collected 100% of all cards.

Thank you for reading and I hope to see you trying this combo out there!

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