A fun deck, that i'v not seen before, which is refreshing..
although it does have a hard time right now because of Azir Irelia.
Generally Kench is played with Ashe or Soroka, to reduce damage taken or heal for small amounts.
Here it focuses more on using Detain to help level up and using Barrier, Redoubled Valor or Unyielding Spirit
for heavy support and to generate Lux's Sparks. Also an underrated combo is using Bayou Munch with
Vanguard Lookout and Bubble Bear!
Plenty of 4/5 cost spells for Lux, (Detain & Chum) which makes 6 with Kench's Acquired Taste.
Feedback and suggestions are appreciate and if you like this deck give it thumbs up (Y)
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