| Ezreal and Ashe Deck | Control/Aggressive Deck | Fun AF to play with | Hope you like it!
[UPDATE] Removed one of the Avarosan Marksman (3) and added 1 Feel The Rush (12)
Started playing 7 days ago, can finally afford this deck, it's been a blast so far. Thanks for posting it!
Qwertex1Posted: April 2nd, 2020 | 4:01 AM
With this much targeting, I don't get why there isn't any chump whump to use mushrooms for leveled Ez.
S660Posted: April 12th, 2021 | 3:41 PM
Imo, unlike Teemo version, this deck does count for Ashe win con, not only burn win con. Therefore, u'll need to remove as many unit as u can, so Ashe's last frosbite or Icy Yeti combo can guarantee lethal turn.
NanoBulletPosted: April 6th, 2020 | 10:49 AM
Because mushrooms don't count as targetting someone, which means it doesn't level up Ezreal
xrobertojrPosted: April 5th, 2021 | 6:09 PM
he said leveled, so already leveled up. i think he meant to proc Ez's level passive when you play the mushrooms. <_> i could be mistaken though.
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