How to win:
Repeat attacks abusing Gwens hallowed buff and quick attack keywords to clear the enemys board of units. Accomplished with Vaynes tumble and cataclysm. With a little bit of luck gwen can attack twice per turn, or even three times if you have the attack token. Feral Gwen indeed
Secret Sauce card: Terror of the Tides
The wombo combo.
Terror of the Tides (ToT) + Cataclysm -> ToT + Tumble -> ToT + Attack Token.
These three attacks should apply ToT's card effect (And hallowed buff) three times. Giving the enemy board -6 attack. Paired with the fearsome keyword, it will prevent the enemy from using any blockers. EZ Cheezy wins
Early game strat:
SHUT DOWN ENEMY TEMPO ASAP and survive to mana 6-7. The deck provides MANY cheap removal options and challenger units the rid the board of pesky early game units and win conditions.
Removal tools:
Single Combat
Soul Harvest
Screeching Dragon
Creative usage of hallowed buffs with cheap combat tricks should allow you to keep the enemys board clean of important units and win conditions.
Crumble and vengeance are there to get rid of units that get too large too fast (Dragons, Trolls, Champions etc)
Opulent Foyer provides a steady stream of Glimpse and Crumble Fodder.
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