Win Con: Fill the board with 1 cost 10/10 elusives
How to get there:
By summoning, recalling, and then re-summoning Omen Hawk, Hearthguard, and Revna
Recall key units with:
Conspiritor, 1 mana Recall, and Ahri.
Draw your giga buffed units with:
Shadow Assassin, Dancing Droplet, Vestaya Disciple, and Revna Summons.
Stall the early game (if necessary) by:
Flooding the board with 1 cost chump blockers. Omen hawks and Grandfather fae/ Owls
This deck uses a ton of cards. Youll find yourself with an empty hand if you dont keep at least 1 draw engine safe. Free draws with Ahri and low cost with droplets and strategic recall usage.
Recalls are everything in this deck, Its your defense, stalling tool, and your win con enabler. Use wisely.
Its ok if Ahri dies early! as long as you have a Revna/Hearthgaurd and a way to recall/resummon the duo.
Secret Sauce card:
Black Flame! Capture revna to guarantee a unit draw on attack. Every attack turn your deck gets +2/+2 and you draw a unit to boot. It might be a GIGA buffed 1 drop elusive!
Mulligan for:
Omen Hawk
1 Draw engine (ie consipirtor OR droplet)
1 Defensive recall.
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