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Runeterra Deck: Ahri/Katarina Midrange + Sneaky Dragon's Rage

By Donny2Hands | Updated May 5th, 2022
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Donny2Hands May 5th, 2022
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 2.45 Shard Cost: 23,200
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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Pretty typical Ahri/Katarina deck with the addition of 1xDragon's Rage as an alt win con. Sick of your 21/3 Bladetwirler getting blocked every turn? Overwhelm not enough? Smack it right into the enemy Nexus instead! They never see it coming :P It's best used at the end of their turn or after you have attacked and they've burned most of their mana. You can even use it as removal in a pinch, but I would recommend saving it for a winning play unless you're trying avoid losing. Might is a good win con as well, and can also be used as a combat trick to take out high-value targets.

3xDeny to stay alive/counter removal. Crucial against Piltover and Shadow Isles matchups as spell-heavy decks are a good counter to this deck.

3xSteel Tempest for survivability. 3 might seem like a lot, but one alone can buy you an extra turn when the opponent has a massive threat on the board. Use some proactively, but keep at least one in the chamber for crucial moments.

Mulligan AGGRESSIVELY for The Mourned/Dancing Droplet/Fey Bladetwirler/Ahri, in that order. Save a deny in your opening hand if you're up against a spell heavy opponent, especially Shadow Isles. You don't need to Deny every spell, often recalling the target is a better and cheaper play against low cost removal. Denying a Ruination, Atrocity, or Vengeance can be a game-winning play, so hold onto them until you need to play them! Bladetwirlers are also great targets to let your opponent waste removal on. You have three of them and they're easy to buff, so if they want to waste a kill spell on it, let them!

In general, don't be too greedy when it comes to immediately replaying recalled cards. It's better to save spell mana for steel tempests, denies, recall, etc than to have another dancing droplet on the board!

Make sure to aggressively go for recalls on Dancing Droplets/Shadow Assassins to gain card advantage and level Ahri up quickly. In general, don't play her until she has 2+ progress or you know you can recall her to protect her from removal. Retreat is an amazing way to trade up to a better creature! Retreat into Return Shadow Assassin or Katarina is great value and tempo while protecting a card from removal. Navori Conspirator is great for recalling DD's as well as whisking Ahri away to safety as well.

Dancing Droplets are also waaay more valuable than The Mourned! Often opponents will target The Mourned instead, seeing it as a bigger threat. That's a mistake. DD is an amazing engine for card advantage and recalls. Use it + recall/retreat/homecoming it to phantom block big threats and get a free card for your troubles. And don't worry about spending tons of mana to save a 1-drop instead of more expensive units. This isn't Hearthstone, you can afford to waste value to keep your card draw/recall engine going.

Also, while Katarina will win you quite a few games, she's not crucial in all matchups, so don't be afraid to use her to bait out removal, since she will scare your opponent into acting rashly! Simply having her visible in hand will often worry your opponent enough that they might not deal with what you have on board, allowing you to sneak in a win in an unexpected way. Make sure to use Blade's Edge either before (to kill chump-blockers or to bring a follower into kill-range) or after attacking. Wait till the dust has settled before you hit them in the nexus, there may be a better target. You aren't playing an aggro deck after all, but keep aggressive strategies as a plan B.

Alt Cards:

If you want to go for more control focus, cut one Ahri and Greenglade Duo and add 2xYasuo and 2xIntimidating Roar. That combo is devastating to large boards.

Charm is a great card that acts as a pseudo-removal while also triggering recall for Bladetwirlers and Ahri. Use that massive Bladetwirler to delete the most dangerous enemy on the board or to force unfavorable blocks.

You might want to swap Deny for Nope-ifys, but I find the versatility of deny to be worth the cost. Don't underestimate Deny's ability to counter skills either!

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