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Rhaast : Legends of Runeterra Card

Rhaast is a Champion card in Legends of Runeterra from the Runeterra region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.

Rhaast Card Card Artist: Kudos Productions
Set 6
Attack: 3 Health: 6 Mana: 5
Overwhelm Excess damage I deal to my blocker is dealt to the enemy Nexus.
Challenger Can choose which enemy unit blocks.

Card Text

Auto-Equip: Corrupted Scythe. When I kill an enemy, fully heal me and heal your Nexus 2.

Flavor Text

Rhaast let out a triumphant howl. Years of waiting, yearning, and now... he was finally free. He lifted Xolaani’s blades and put them to his tongue, savoring the taste of fresh blood. He closed his eyes in bliss, and a smile crept across his face for the first time in millennia. The reaping had begun.

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