Hextech Anomaly is a Spell card in Legends of Runeterra from the Piltover & Zaun region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.
When you draw or create me in hand or each Round Start: while I'm in hand, transform me into a random 6+ cost spell.
"...configuring hextech into a stable state was the most difficult hurdle I faced. Most nights, it felt like the crystals and hexite were actively conspiring to trip me up, and it was only through extensive trial and error that I was able to get the component parts working in harmony..." - Excerpt from Jayce's journal
Want to try out the Hextech Anomaly card in a deck? We've got you covered! Learn how to play Hextech Anomaly with our Piltover & Zaun decks.
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