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Curious Shellfolk : Legends of Runeterra Card

Curious Shellfolk is a Follower card in Legends of Runeterra from the Bandle City region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.

Curious Shellfolk Card Card Artist: Kudos Productions
Set 5
Bandle City
1,200 Shards
Attack: 4 Health: 4 Mana: 6

Card Text

When you pick a non-champion card from randomly selected options, create a copy in hand and reduce its cost by 1.

Flavor Text

Famously shy, the elusive shellfolk are known to hide in their shells until their curiosity gets the better of them. Once emerged, their playful personalities become fully engaged, including a propensity to play tricks by expertly mimicking the sound of other sea life.

Decks with Curious Shellfolk Card Discussion

Want to try out the Curious Shellfolk card in a deck? We've got you covered! Learn how to play Curious Shellfolk with our Bandle City decks.

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