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Bloodcursed Harpy : Legends of Runeterra Card

Bloodcursed Harpy is a Follower card in Legends of Runeterra from the Demacia region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.

Bloodcursed Harpy Card Card Artist: Kudos Productions
Set 6
1,200 Shards
Attack: 6 Health: 4 Mana: 6
Scout The first time only Scout units attack each round, ready your attack.

Card Text

Play: Equip me with an equipment that costs 2 or less from hand. The first time I would die while Equipped, fully heal me and destroy the equipment instead.

Flavor Text

"Kian, if you're reading this... I'm hopefully dead. I can't control what's happening to me. The blood under my nails won't wash off. I'm so itchy. I scratch and scratch but nothing helps. It hurts. I just want it to stop. If I'm still alive somehow, promise me you'll stop trying to find me.<br><br>I would ask for forgiveness, but I don't deserve it. Be good to mother, okay?"<br>- Crumpled letter found in a torn-up satchel

Decks with Bloodcursed Harpy Card Discussion

Want to try out the Bloodcursed Harpy card in a deck? We've got you covered! Learn how to play Bloodcursed Harpy with our Demacia decks.

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