The Darkin Aegis is a Equipment card in Legends of Runeterra from the Demacia region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.
"My son, listen now. That shield must never be touched. Long ago, it was gifted to our house on the condition that we keep it safe, and leave it be. It is my responsibility, and when I pass, it will be yours. Do you hear me now? You must never climb to it again. You must never touch it." "But mama, the voice inside... it cries to me. It sounds so sad." "...All the more reason, my son." - Lady Fortis and her son
Want to try out the The Darkin Aegis card in a deck? We've got you covered! Learn how to play The Darkin Aegis with our Demacia decks.
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